The current Prime Minister was accused of breaking an election promise ten years ago this week.

London mayor Boris Johnson has decided not to intervene over a council decision to allow a controversial high-rise development.

Solum Regeneration were granted permission to build a 14-storey hotel and two eight-story housing blocks close to Walthamstow Central station in January.

Campaigners who fought the proposal said the design was ugly, intrusive for homes and could attract crime.

Boris Johnson, who was asked to consider the application due to its scale, has decided the proposal meets all planning requirements laid out in the London Plan and will let the council’s decision stand.

In certain circumstances, the mayor can order the authority to refuse an application or take on responsiblility for the decision himself.

Caramel Quin, of Fight the Height campaign group, accused Boris Johnson of breaking an election promise to stop tower block developments in low-rise areas when their was significant local opposition.

She said: “It is a perfect example of what he said he was going to oppose.

“I honestly don't know whether we have any come back.

“We are looking into seeing if there is any right to launch a judicial review.

“I am very disappointed.

“It is one thing to have blocks in the middle of the city, but in an area like this that is low rise, it will stand out.

“We will continue to fight inappropriate developments even if the battle might be lost on this one.”