Epping Forest is now alive with the sights and sounds of high summer.

Wildflower meadows and long grasses are buzzing with small insects, mammals and reptiles.

The Forest also welcomes many more visitors at this time of the year as the finer weather and summer holidays entice people to enjoy all that the woodland has to offer in the way of relaxation, recreation and adventure.

More people than ever are enjoying visiting the Forest by bike and indeed this is a very beneficial way for people to arrive, meaning the Forest experiences less pressure from cars travelling through the local roads while those opting for the bicycle also experience the wealth of health benefits which come from using pedal power.

And following a recent consultation in which two-thirds of people responding supported the move to allow permissive cycling across Wanstead Park, the Epping Forest and Commons Committee recently approved this decision and cyclists can now enjoy all that this historic parkland has to offer.

Of course, as with cycling elsewhere in the Forest, we ask all cyclists to observe the cycling code of conduct and note any areas where cycling remains restricted such as the easy access paths and historic or ecologically sensitive areas. Full details can be found at www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/eppingforestcycling

Cyclists should also be reminded that building jumps or berms in the woodland is not permitted.

We await direction from the government as to what further changes may be announced in relation to the pandemic.

As soon as the details are known we will update our website www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/eppingforest.

In the meantime, please continue be vigilant against the threat of Covid-19 and keep socially distant from others – with 8,000 acres of Epping Forest and its surrounding Buffer Lands to choose from, why not find somewhere new or less crowded to explore?

As the weather warms up, please be reminded that barbecues and fires are not permitted anywhere in Epping Forest.

Let’s work together to respect these rules and help us to keep Epping Forest free from the threat of wildfires at a time when the risk levels are extremely high.

We ask our visitors to please take care not to discard lit cigarettes or glass bottles as these can cause fires. Of course, we ask all our visitors to please take all their litter home when visiting – Epping Forest is a registered charity and spends a staggering £250k on waste disposal a year, which could largely be avoided and spent on helping to conserve and protect Epping Forest now and for future generations to enjoy.

Graeme Doshi-Smith

Chairman, City of London Corporation’s Epping Forest and Commons Committee