A new campaign has been launched by Carers First to ensure “hidden cares” - those who may not realise they are cares- have access to the support they need.

The initiative ‘We Care for You’ has been developed by fellow carers and aims to encourage hidden carers to make more time for themselves.

It comes as research reveals three quarters of carers suffer from stress and anxiety due to missing out on support.

Campaign research also identified that hidden carers often have a lack of “me time,” and that the “little things” - such as hobbies and time with friends - are the first to go.

‘We Care for You’ includes a pocket guide filled with practical advice for making “me time” a reality, which is available in print and as a downloadable resource.

Since Monday, November 8 the campaign has launched in more than 30 locations across the country including Essex and Waltham Forest.

Alison Taylor, Chief Executive for Carers First, said: “Many hidden carers don’t consider themselves as carers – they’re a husband, a son, daughter or mother.

“This can make it less likely that they’ll reach out for support, but we want to ensure that hidden carers are not forgotten.”

To download the pocket guide, visit Carers first.