Richard Newcombe of the European Movement (November 25) is wrong to blame all current problems on Brexit. 

A shortage of HGV drivers is partly to blame by a DVLA that is unfit for purpose in granting licences and the fact that HMRC have forced drivers from self employment to PAYE.

The petrol crisis was caused by mismanagement by a remainer-leaning haulage association and induced the public to panic buy.

There is a world energy crisis, hence high prices, inflamed domestically by charges for green subsidies.

He is right to say we (only) left in January, five years after the referendum. This is because every obstacle was put in our way by remainer politicians such as PM Teresa May and others including his organisation.

Some EU members, notably the French, wish to punish us for leaving and set an example to others wishing to leave.

Difficulties in Northern Ireland are being used by an Irish Government, weaponised by the EU, who seek to promote a United Ireland to thwart the rising fortunes of Sinn Fein.

The actions of France and the EU over Covid vaccines is alone enough to show we are Better Off Out of the sclerotic EU.

If Richard compares us currently with a locked down EU he will see we are doing far better than our EU neighbours.

Michael McGough

Wellfields, Loughton