Do you enjoy taking pictures of the nature around us and sharing them for other people to enjoy? The Guardian’s new camera club is the place for you.

This great photo of a bird watching a squirrel tucking into a meal was taken by Trevor Weatherley who has become one of the members of our new online group.

The camera club is a Facebook community where you can share your photos from Epping Forest, East London and elsewhere and get tips and hints from fellow photographers.

It couldn’t be easier to sign up,. Search Guardian Camera Club on Facebook and ask to join.

Whether you enjoy sharing pictures of wildlife like Trevor has, capturing superb scenic shots, or simply taking a snap of an object or event that caught your eye while out for a walk, join the camera club.

Each month members will be set a new challenge, a theme is selected and some of your pictures may be published. The current theme is ‘Nature in the New Year’.

By posting in the camera club, you consent to the Epping Forest Guardian and Your Local Guardian using your photos in its respective publications, websites and social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.