The annual Lyrid meteor show will peak across the UK sky on Thursday night and into Friday morning in a welcome treat for stargazers.

Shooting stars flying across the midnight sky can be a mesmerising sight and now is your chance to catch a glimpse.

READ MORE: Celestial Events 2022 - all the meteor showers, eclipses and more

READ MORE: The best stargazing spots in London to see meteor showers

The meteor is a burst of meteor activity that occurs every year around mid to late April. 

The Lyrid is the oldest recorded meteor shower that is still visible today and was first recorded back in 687 BCE. 

It originates from the Lyra constellation that contains the star Vega and you can see it tonight. 

Celestial Events in 2022

Best way to watch the Lyrid Meteor Shower

If you plan on staying up late to watch the annual shower, you're best to bring a comfy chair and to wrap up warm. 

Plus, you'll need to find a dark spot away from light pollution and with an unobstructed view of the sky.

The best time to see the shower in the early morning of the peak day, waiting until after midnight when the constellation of Lyra will have risen in the East. 

The later in the morning you wait the higher the radiant will rise and the fewer meteors will be hidden below the horizon. 

When it comes to the time it's expected to be at its peak, you're best to lie on the ground to see as much as possible.