An 89-year-old man who needed stitches after he was trapped when a Tube station ticket barrier "slammed shut" on him is still recovering almost two months on.

A gate at High Barnet station closed on Carl Grahame as he was walking through it to travel on the Northern line to East Finchley on January 5, leaving him with two large “friction tears” on his right hand and left forearm.

After taking himself to hospital, the pensioner required 26 adhesive sutures to close up the wounds.

He has since reported the incident to TfL citing safety concerns, and has asked the transport body for compensation.

A Freedom of Information request submitted by this paper has revealed there were almost 50 incidents at ticket barriers on the TfL network that resulted in injuries last year.

Most of the incidents took place onthe Elizabeth line, with 31 “minor” injuries recorded in 2023.

Arriva Rail, which operates Overground services on behalf of TfL, recorded 13 incidents where a passenger was trapped by a gate.

A further three incidents were reported where a passenger slipped or fell at a ticket barrier.

There was just one report to Underground claims handlers of an injury caused while using a ticket barrier last year.

Describing what happened to him at High Barnet, Mr Grahame, who grew up in Muswell Hill, said that the barrier “absolutely caught” him at around midday.

East London and West Essex Guardian Series: The incident took place at High Barnet Tube stationThe incident took place at High Barnet Tube station (Image: Google)

He added: “It was as I was moving backwards from the doors, which hadn’t fully closed but had clamped me, that they were gripping me harder and harder.

“It’s that which broke the skin and gave me a friction tear.”

TfL has claimed that an investigation has since found that the gate in question was "working correctly". 

Speaking this week, Mr Grahame said that while the skin had healed, there was still some discolouration where he was trapped by the barrier.

He added: “From beginning to end I would say it will be pretty well finished within two months [of the incident].

“I put in a written claim [for compensation] last week and all I can do is wait.

“Depending on their response, I have at the back of my mind that if it’s some silly offer, then I’ll probably go to the Ombudsman.”

Passengers who are unhappy with the outcome of a complaint to TfL have the option of referring it to London TravelWatch or the Local Government Ombudsman.

Dale Smith, TfL's head of customer operations for the Northern line, said: "We’re sorry that Mr Grahame was injured at the ticket barriers at High Barnet and we're grateful for the quick response of station colleagues who provided first aid.”

He added: “We are aware of the submission for compensation by Mr Grahame, and as this matter is ongoing can not comment further."