A man has been arrested following a suspected arson attack at a residential address in Hainault. 

His arrest follows a deliberate fire started at a home in Marlyon Road in the early hours of February 24. 

Officers from the Metropolitan Police were dispatched to the scene at 2.50am and launched an investigation. 

They arrested a 38-year-old man on suspicion of arson with intent to endanger life and burglary. 

Two fire engines were sent to deal with the fire which destroyed a shed at the home and damaged part of a shed at a neighbouring property.

East London and West Essex Guardian Series: The man has been bailed whilst enquiries are ongoing.The man has been bailed whilst enquiries are ongoing. (Image: Google Maps)

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The man was further arrested on suspicion of assaulting an emergency worker and a racially aggravated public order offence after an officer responding to the incident was injured on the scene. 

The officer did not require hospital treatment and the man has since been bailed pending further enquiries. 

No injuries were reported linked to the suspected arson attempt, but enquiries are underway. 

Residents have taken to Facebook claiming to have seen a "forensic van" and "a forensics team at work" over the weekend.