ENTER the wacky world of Gotcha Force on Gamecube and as long as you are under the age of seven with the attention span of a goldfish, happiness is guaranteed.

For an insight into the game just think Pokemon with robots and blast away to your heart's content.

This is button pushing at its very best full of bright lights, over the top explosions and voice-overs that any oriental martial arts movie producer would be proud of.

To be fair this is not one of Capcom's more celebrated releases even if it has been developed for the children's market.

It carries a 7+ age rating but even that seems a little unnecessary as a household pet probably has the coordination required to plough through this game.

The story is simple, a young boy called Kou meets toysized alien robot, GRed, who has landed on Earth ready to tackle the evil Death Force a posse of dastardly alien toy robots hell bent on world domination.

It is left up to you to recruit your friends to the Gotcha Force by engaging them in a series of friendly battles and then its off to toyland to tackle the Death Force.

Gameplay is manic to say the least but there are several different modes to try and keep gamers vaguely interested like multiplayer for up to four people, a challenge section and story mode.

There is even a trade menu where you can swap items and robots via a mate's memory card.

There are over 25 different robots to collect and add to your Gotcha Force army but tactics definitely take a back seat.

Furious button pressing is the order of the day with this title.

Perhaps Capcom should stick to its more adult themed games like the outstanding

Resident Evil series and Onimusha rather than trying to tackle the children's market.

Graphics 3.5/5
Sound 1.5/5
Gameplay 1.5/5
Gamespan 1.5/5
Overall 2.5/5

Paul Phantis