A Christmas Message from Raymond Draper, Vicar of St John’s Church, in Leytonstone.

“THERE is no time quite like Christmas. It is a season that re-invents itself every generation. It is a time of joy, and kindness, a season of goodwill. It touches all ages, and every community.

“What has created this unique season? It has grown from faith in God, and from faith in human beings. The word ‘Christmas’ means ‘Christ’s Mass’. The Mass or Holy Communion is the central act of worship of the Christian Church.

“The Mass celebrated at this season explores the meaning of Christ’s birth. This act of worship has given its name to this festival.

“At the darkest time of the year, near the longest night, the light that Jesus brings into the world is celebrated. His life has changed the world. He brings a power and a presence that can overcome evil with good. He offers us help through the darkest valleys. He leads us into a new life of love, joy and peace.

“This Christmas season celebrates this discovery, and begins to shape the world by it. The customs of Christmas point us to Jesus Christ, and the offer He makes to us.

“What is this offer? It is a new beginning for us and for the world. It is an invitation to set out on a new human and spiritual journey.

This invitation is free and open to all, and with it comes a promise: ‘I am with you always...’ “On this journey we do not travel alone, Christ gives us friends. They help us to set out on this journey, and encourage us week by week. A church is simply a group of friends who encourage one another to follow Jesus.

If you wish this Christmas to search for the Christ at the heart of this festival, why not visit a church near you? You will be welcome.”

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