COUNCILLORS have formally voted to adopt a leader and cabinet model of governance.

Under new legislation all large councils have to adopt either a leader and cabinet model or directly-elected mayor after May's elections.

The leader and cabinet model is similar to the current system, with a leader selected by councillors, but the leader will have more powers, including the ability to select cabinet members without a vote of full council.

At a special town hall meeting last night a majority of councillors voted for the leader and cabinet system to be introduced.

The change will concern those who believe that too much power already resides with the cabinet.

The Local Government Act 2000 removed the old committee system, which would see decisions debated fully in public by panels of councillors proportionate to the political make-up of the whole council.

Cllr Bob Wheatley, Lib Dem member, spoke of his frustration at the way backbench councillors have been sidelined.

He said: “I have been a councillor for more than 22 years, I used to be able to come here and get involved in what used to be a council.

“Today I have not got that right I stand here as a backbench councillor who has little power to do anything.”

The Conservative opposition group, along with Cllr Wheatley, abstained from voting.

Matt Davis, Conservative leader, said the government would force the council to adopt the new system anyway but the right thing to do is to vote against the system.

Cllr Davis said: “This is a disgraceful piece of legislation which takes away what little powers people outside the council have.

“It is not something anybody in this council with a conscience should be voting for.”

The Conservative opposition group, along with Cllr Wheatley, abstained from voting.

Every other member voted in favour.

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