VANDALS smashed their way through a church in Woodford Green stealing nothing but causing £2,000 of damage.

The attack at St Barnabas Church in Snakes Lane East was discovered at 7.30am on Wednesday, May 10. A ground-floor window had been smashed and once inside the thieves attempted to open a small donations deposit safe but only succeeded in pushing it further back into the wall.

A wooden door leading to the church organ had been cracked as had a wooden panel surrounding it.

In the basement a large oak door had been lifted out of its frame, but nothing of value was left in the church.

Canon Alan Cross said: "They tried to get into the wall safe at the back of the church and only pushed it further back and when we got the locksmith out he said that it had actually been made far safer.

"They went through the church and downstairs and bashed in the door but we have had it put back.

"There wasn't anything valuable there, unless he was a religious maniac.

"Like all these silly things they look for money where there is none."

Anyone with information should call the burglary and robbery squad at Ilford police on 8345 2667.