DRUNKS in Redbridge are being targeted in a Spring campaign by Ilford police which has seen 32 arrests in its first week.

The fourth annual alcohol misuse enforcement campaign has been launched to crack down on drunk and disorderly behaviour in town centres using powers that came into force last year. The campaign has been timed to co-incide with spring, which sees a large increase in the number of people drinking outside.

Fixed penalty notices will also be issued against pubs and clubs that actively promote excessive drinking or which sell to underage drinkers.

Undercover police cadets and Redbridge trading standards officers have already visited six off-licences to make test purchases which resulted in £80 on-the-spot fines for three of them.

Ilford police Inspector Bob Tachauer said: "It was a bit disappointing because they had already been told that we were going to be making visits."

The campaign runs until June 8.