A DRIVER who has waited more than three months to be reimbursed after damaging her car in a pothole in Loughton is now demanding compensation.

The Buckhurst Hill woman, who asked not to be named, drove her new Ford Ka into a water-filled pothole in Nafferton Rise in February, wrecking the front wheel of the car that had done less than 3,000 miles.

Repairs cost just over £100.

The woman said: "It was impossible to see the pothole and I was so annoyed because I'd never had a brand new car before.

"I managed to drive to Sainsbury's and call the RAC and the man said he had never seen damage to a wheel like it. I was very shaken because I couldn't believe what had happened to my new car."

Essex County Council said the accident was caused by a failed reinstatement around a Thames Water valve and it (Thames Water) would be responsible for refunding the cost of having a new wheel fitted to her car.

Thames Water passed the claim to Enterprise pic, the contractor responsible for the area of road, at the junction with Loughton High Road.

The woman has contacted the contractor and was assured her claim had been approved and she would receive her cheque within three months.

But now she has been told that Enterprise is disputing its liability for the accident, a fact confirmed by Thames Water which has promised the claim would be settled.

A spokesman said: "It's a small claim and it seems Enterprise is disputing responsibility so we need to talk again with the local authority Essex County Council to find out who is liable, but we will refund the money."

The woman said: "It's farcical and now it's playing with my life I'm a nervous wreck.

"I've never seen anything so stupid and I've had enough. I'm going to be asking for compensation because they're making me feel ill and I don't think that's fair."