A PETROL station's application for a 24 hour alcohol licence has drawn extensive concern from neighbours.

The Esso garage, in Church Hill, Loughton, has applied to sell booze around the clock as well as “late-night refreshments” from 11pm to 5am.

Many neighbours have written in to complain about the proposal. One resident of nearby Marjorams Avenue, who does not want to be named, has gathered a petition of 130 names against the scheme.

He said: “We're not keen on it at all. Alcohol is too freely available as it is and we don't want a lot of problems in the area."

Norma Cross, 79, of Church Hill, said: “Just a couple of weeks ago someone was knocked down and killed near there and that was in the daylight. What's going to happen when they start selling alcohol at 11 at night?

“I know the youngsters congregate around the station at the moment. They're going to start congregating around here, and it's a dangerous piece of road. It's just not on I think.”

Roger Bell, 60, of Church Hill, said: “This is right smack in the middle of a residential area. If they stay open all night that'll be noise and nuisance for the local people.

“We already get people drinking cans of beer coming down the road, now we'll get them coming from the other way as well.”

Loughton Town Council and the local residents association have also objected to the plans.

Residents association chairman David Linnell said: “We shall certainly be objecting to it. We are very concerned an all night licence would become a potential magnet for people of quite some distance. The road it's on is residential. What's acceptable at 11pm isn't in the small hours.”

Residents have until this Wednesday, September 15, to write to the district council, in Epping, which will decide on the application on Tuesday, October 5.

Esso has been asked to comment.